Tuesday, August 4, 2020

A pandemic idea: Restaurant parklets

Here's a #ThisIsTucson article, from the Arizona Daily Star:

A solution for Tucson restaurants during coronavirus — create a "streatery" out front

And from KVOA News4Tucson:

New trend could help local restaurants stay open

Monday, August 3, 2020

Favorite Places: Tucson’s Back Alleys

This isn't about a specific place. It's not about parklets… although they are often cooler than the streets around them and can be interesting to explore. They're the alleys of central Tucson. A friend told me about this show, part of the 2015 Arizona Public Media TV series Favorite Places: Thirteen architects speak thoughtfully and personally about a favorite building or space in Southern Arizona. This show, one of the thirteen, is by Liz Farkas:

If you'd like to view it in another window, here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-YrNQAZFGc.

Click the "Location:" link at the end of this article for an area map. (Hint: There are more alleys toward downtown and in other parts of town. Google Maps can help you find them, and the Satellite View can help you figure out if they might be impassable — which some are.)

Why not take an (often) shady walk?

PS: If you enjoy local productions like this, why not join AZPM? (Here's a list of their original productions.) Even $5 or $10 a month can give back for the work they contribute to all of us — and help their radio broadcasts too.